Transparency Report 2020-2021

Openness, privacy, trust and transparency are features of our work to keep .nz fair for everyone. We are pleased to release our third Transparency Report of the number and types of requests for personal information related to .nz register and domain name suspension numbers. This reports covers the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021.
Individual Registrant Privacy Option
You can apply privacy to the visible data in your domain name registration. This protects your personal information in the .nz domain namespace.
30 June 2020
1 July 2021
Memorandums of Understanding and Agreements
As part of our multi-stakeholder approach, the Commission enters into Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with several different entities to share information and resources to keep .nz safe, secure and connected to the international ccTLD space.
Government entities
Other ccTLDs
As of 31 May 2021: The Privacy Commissioner is currently considering our request to enter into an Information Supply. The Domain Name Commission is also currently with with the Registrar of Births deaths and Marriages to identify domain names registered to deceased persons in the .nz register.
Warrant and court orders
The Commission is at times served with court orders from other jurisdictions to suspend or cancel domain names. We inform these parties that they must have a localised court order under .nz policy so that the Commission can act.
Requests received for names and contact details
Under Principle 11e of the Privacy Act requests can me made for additional information relating to a .nz domain name. This principle is to assist law enforcement agencies maintain the law.
request was received for additional information
Harmful Digital Communication Act
The Commission was not named as a respondent for any Harmful Digital Communications Act court orders.
Zone data
Under .nz zone data may be released to third parties not directly involved in the management of the registry and or the .nz domain namespace.
0 zone files were released
Data quality (suspensions and cancellations)
Under .nz policy–registrants are required to be contactable at the details that they have provided. We often see the malicious use of domain names associated with fake registration information.
domain names were followed up on by the Commission.
of 990 were cancelled as the registrant did not validate their registration details, with the remaining names being validated.
We are currently developing our systemic and investigation function when it comes to data quality issues. For example, for data quality issues that the Domain Name Commission expedites, we check to see if there are additional domain names registered to this registrant. At times, we see trends of domain names with data quality issues being registered in quick succession. By identifying these themes and trends earlier, it allows the Domain Name Commission to proactively put these domain names through our Data Validation process.
Request for personal information
Individuals have a right to request access to personal information. Information was released except where it related to the personal information of other individuals.
request was received for additional information
Exceptional circumstances
Following the Christchurch terrorism attack in March 2019 the Commission was provided with interim powers that enable in exceptional circumstances for a domain name to be suspended in limited circumstances.

This year we continued to monitor the .nz domain name space for COVID-19 registered domain names. Between February 2021 and the end of May 2021 we took additional monitoring measures in relation to COVID-19 related .nz domain names. We worked closer with our MOU Partner CertNZ in this space.
Court action
The Commission pursues legal action to enforce the .nz terms and conditions and respond to issues arising in the .nz domain name space.
1 Settled
Privacy statement changes
In March 2021 we launched our new website. Our statements can now be found below:
Contact us:
If you have any questions about Transparency Report, please get in touch. Domain Name Commission Ltd, PO Box 11 881, Wellington 6142
0800 101 151 | +64 4 472 1600 | [email protected]