#ShopSafeNZ 2021

This week, we are excited to launch our annual ShopSafeNZ campaign as a way of showing our support for #CyberSmartWeek— the CERT NZ campaign that aims to raise awareness of cyber issues and make Aotearoa cyber smarter when it comes to shopping with a .nz.
Now in our third year of bringing consumers seasonal .nz shopping safer messages, we’ve retired our previous fakewebshop.co.nz website in favour of a new shopping safer channel on our main website at dnc.org.nz.
Our new #ShopSafeNZ home brings together information from our online safety partners and supporters to raise awareness of shopping safer online messages. It aims to improve consumers' capability to keep pace with technological change and stay on top of key scam alerts impacting the .nz domain name space. This will help Kiwi consumers shop safer, and smarter online. With the tips included in our ShopSafe campaign, Kiwi will be able to navigate scams and unsafe online shops during the 2021 holiday period.
It has some easy to follow information tips to help consumers navigate the .nz domain name space.
As we roll out the campaign between now and the Boxing Days sales, we’ll be adding some more information, alerts and blogs. We also have some consumer research into New Zealanders .nz shopping experiences launching in November.
This new look and feel for #ShopSafeNZ is listening to New Zealnders and moving to meet their needs to stay on top of what is happening in the .nz domain name space.
CyberSmart week and other scam and fraud prevention initiatives happening between October and December are a perfect time to talk about online safety. Let’s all think about how we can spot and report unlawful activities online.
The education materials that our friends at CERTNZ and NetSafety produce are ideal to share with colleagues, friends and family.
For more information and resources, check out our shop safe NZ tips. For more frequent updates, you can follow us on Twitter (@nzdnc).