Experts working with us provide expert determinations for the .nz Dispute Resolution Service. Learn about our experts here.
Andrew Brown KC
Andrew Brown KC has been appointed the Chair of the Experts. His appointment is for a period of two years. Andrew Brown has had wide experience in handling trade mark disputes in all the New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court. He is a current WIPO panellist, was Australasian President of the Intellectual Property Society of Australia and New Zealand (IPSANZ), and is the former Director of the Legal Research Foundation.
Maria Dew KC
Maria Dew KC is a barrister who has been at the independent bar since 2000 and in litigation in New Zealand and overseas for over 20 years. She specialises in employment law, professional misconduct and civil disputes. Maria is currently a Deputy Chair of the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal and is a qualified mediator appointed to various mediation panels.
Clive Elliott KC
Clive Elliott KC is an Auckland-based Barrister. He is the President of the New Zealand Bar Association. Clive is an AMINZ fellow and a panel member of AMINZ's IP list. He is appointed to WIPO and NAF's panel of neutrals and has decided on a number of international domain name disputes.
Hon Robert Fisher KC
Hon Robert Fisher KC has 15 years of experience as a High Court Judge. Since leaving the bench in March 2004 he has been in full-time practice as an arbitrator and mediator. He is also a member of the Samoa and Cook Islands Courts of Appeal. He is a Fellow of the Arbitrators and Mediators Institute of New Zealand and an expert for the Council of Country Code Administrators Domain Name Complaint Resolution Service.
Kevin Glover
Kevin Glover is a barrister at Shortland Chambers in Auckland. He acts on a wide range of commercial disputes and specialises in intellectual property, technology and media disputes. He was admitted in 2000, holds a Master of Law from the University of Cambridge and has practised as a barrister sole since 2009. Kevin has acted as counsel on a number of cases involving domain name issues, including the first complaint heard under the DRS.
Sheana Wheeldon
Sheana Wheeldon is a barrister with many years’ experience in dispute resolution, largely in the intellectual property field and including many domain name disputes. She is also an experienced mediator, an associate member of AMINZ and a member of its IP mediators panel. Her committee work includes membership of the NZ Law Society's IP committee, and IPSANZ’s trans-Tasman and NZ committees.
Jane Glover
Jane has particular expertise in intellectual property, but has worked across a range of civil and commercial disputes at leading firms in New Zealand and London.
Jane has held a number of roles as an adjudicator. She is currently Deputy Chair of the Copyright Tribunal, and an Independent Adjudicator for two WHO Codes. She was an Assistant Commissioner with the Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand (IPONZ) from 2013 to 2019, hearing patent and trade mark cases.
Jane regularly presents seminars on intellectual property and other matters and is an author of the copyright section of Intellectual Property Law published by LexisNexis New Zealand.
Rebecca Scott
Rebecca Scott is a barrister who has been at the independent bar since 2001.
She acts for a wide range of public and private sector clients specialising in providing advice on decision making and regulatory and statutory compliance.
Rebecca has worked extensively with responsible authorities investigating complaints and as prosecutor with respect to disciplinary charges. She provides advice and representation to District Health Boards, private providers, insurance companies, professional indemnifiers, NGOs, Universities and to government departments.
Rebecca has appeared before the New Zealand Courts at all levels, as well as extensively before specialist Tribunals, and Disciplinary Authorities.