.nz resellers
Resellers are businesses or organisations that provide domain name registration services but are not .nz-authorised registrars. We do not currently list resellers, but we provide information here for resellers, registrars, and domain name holders.
For domain name holders
When you register a domain name from a reseller or registrar, you need to know:
- if your service provider is a registrar or a reseller
- who you can contact with a complaint
- what are your rights when you have an .nz domain name from a reseller.
To check if your service provider is a reseller, do a WHOIS search on your domain name. Use our WHOIS Lookup
If the name in the registrar field is different from your provider's name, they’re a reseller.
The registrar on record is responsible for that domain name. WHOIS search results include contact details for registrars, so you can contact them if you’re having problems.
As a domain name holder, your rights are the same if you’re dealing with a reseller or a registrar.
View an outline of your rights as a domain name holder.
For registrars
As a registrar, you’re an essential part of the .nz domain namespace. Under .nz Rules, you are responsible for your resellers' actions.
As the regulator, we can sanction registrars and their resellers if they breach .nz Rules.
To ensure you and your resellers understand their responsibilities, read our draft contractual agreement. View the draft contractual agreement for registrars and resellers
We recommend you have a contract between you and your resellers. This confirms and formalises the relationship between reseller and registrar. You can use our draft, but you do not have to.
If you notify a reseller of a breach of the .nz Rules, you must also notify the Domain Name Commission.
For resellers
As a reseller, you’re an important part of the .nz domain namespace. To operate in .nz, you must follow .nz Rules.
As the regulator, we can enforce .nz policy on any parties working within the .nz namespace. This includes sanctioning resellers. As a reseller in the .nz space, you are expected to meet the same standards as registrars.
To ensure you know how .nz operates, take some time to read our guide for resellers. The guide gives you an overview of the primary services that resellers are expected to provide to registrants.
If you’re interested in becoming a registrar, learn about our authorisation process for registrars.
Information for registrants
When you register a domain name from a reseller or registrar, you need to know:
- if your service provider is a registrar or a reseller
- who you can contact with a complaint
- what are your rights when you have an .nz domain name from a reseller.
To check if your service provider is a reseller, do a WHOIS search on your domain name.
If the name in the registrar field is different from your provider's name, they’re a reseller.
The registrar on record is responsible for that domain name. WHOIS search results include contact details for registrars, so you can contact them if you’re having problems.
As a registrant, your rights are the same if you’re dealing with a reseller or a registrar.
Information for registrars
As a registrar, you’re an essential part of the .nz domain namespace. Under .nz policy, you are responsible for your resellers' actions.
As the regulator, we can sanction registrars and their resellers if they breach .nz policy.
To ensure you and your resellers understand their responsibilities, read our draft contractual agreement.
View the draft contractual agreement for registrars and resellers
We recommend you have a contract between you and your resellers. This confirms and formalises the relationship between reseller and registrar. You can use our draft, but you do not have to.
If you notify a reseller of a breach of .nz Rules, you must also notify the Domain Name Commission of this.
Information for resellers
As a reseller, you’re an important part of the .nz domain namespace. To operate in .nz, you must follow .nz policies.
As the regulator, we can enforce .nz policy on any parties working within the .nz namespace. This includes sanctioning resellers.
As a reseller in the .nz space, you are expected to meet the same standards as registrars.
To ensure you know how .nz operates, take some time to read our guide for resellers. The guide gives you an overview of the primary services that resellers are expected to provide to registrants.
If you’re interested in becoming a registrar, learn about our authorisation process for registrars